Tuesday, 3 July 2012

St John's Church Community Woodland Garden

I had the great honour of cutting the ribbon to open the new Community Woodland Garden at St John’s Church, Farnborough, recently. After heavy rain in the morning, the sun came out, so the hundred or so people who came along had a very nice afternoon to explore the garden, its interpretation board, the nature trail through the churchyard and especially the tea and cakes. As the lady who handed me a large slice of delicious coffee cake told me, St John’s is a church than functions on cake.
Esther Prior, the Vicar of St John’s, invited me to open the garden because it was my telling her about the community fruit trees that The Farnborough Society planted, with the help of Rushmoor Borough Council, that set her thinking about how the Church’s glebe land might be used for the benefit of the whole community. Initially, we hoped to establish a community orchard, letting our imagination run away with thoughts of Mothering Sunday and Easter among the blossom and fresh fruit for Harvest Festival. However, the many mature trees and dense undergrowth made such scheme impossible, and so the woodland garden was conceived.
Rushmoor BC was incredibly helpful in directing us towards funding, arranging for work by the Community Payback scheme and offering by advice. Fawn’s, a local company that makes playground equipment, donated picnic tables. Lots of volunteers, most notably the Second Cove Sea Scouts, gave their time and effort, and above all Esther and her husband Matt worked tirelessly and relentlessly to make the dream come true.
I believe that modern life makes places of solace and contemplation absolutely essential, though sadly there seem to be fewer and fewer such places. The large turnout suggests that the people of St John’s Ward appreciate the value of what Esther and Matt have created, and I hope the garden will be very well used. I will make a special point of visiting when the bluebells are out in the spring.

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