Saturday, 31 December 2011

Rushmoor Pedestrian Forum

The Farnborough Society recently initiated the Rushmoor Pedestrian Forum, the first public meeting of which took place on 6th December. Under the chairmanship of my friend Clive Andrews, we brought together, as guest speakers, a transport officer from Hampshire County Council, a blind lady (with her guide dog) and a police officer. By the end of the evening, we had a range of views that will provide a solid basis on which we hope to build meaningful relationships with both Hampshire County Council and Rushmoor BC for the benefit of all pavement users.
The issue that dominated was cycling on the pavements and it became abundantly clear that the mish-mash of cycle lanes and shared pavements in Rushmoor pleases nobody because of the lack of consistancy. Sometimes pedestrians are on the outside, sometimes cyclists, sometimes lanes are marked, sometimes not, the signage isn't good and there seems to be a great deal of confusion generally. I've proposed asking Rushmoor BC for a Task and Finish Group to examine the subject and hope to gain approval for that shortly, under the auspices of the Leisure and Youth Panel, on which I serve. Through my involvement with the Pedestrian Forum, I have made contacts with the Cycle Forum, the police and the handicapped, all of which will be invaluable if we are to achieve anything meaningful.

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